Assistant Referee Training (3 hours)
How to flag with style.
Service Description
Running the line as an Assistant Referee (AR), in my opinion, is the most difficult referee position and we give that responsibility to the youngest and most inexperienced referees. The assistant referee has to follow the second to last Defender to mark the offside line. The offside call can be the most difficult call to make and the most critical. In this clinic we will focus on the assignments, the mechanics and practice the fundamentals of being an assistant referee. There are potential 9 signals that an AR will make during a match. Knowing the signal mechanics as well as the verb and non-verbal communication skills needed are critical. Client and IREF will agree on a date, time and location for the clinic. A location that has close access to a soccer pitch or grass area is preferable. Client is responsible for providing a location for the clinic that has ample space with chairs and projection screen or a large HDMI capable TV for the presentation. If in the Salt Lake valley, the UYSA office may be an option if the schedule permits. Clinic can be cancelled 72 hours prior to clinic without a cancellation fee. cancellation with in the 72 hours period will incur a $50.00 cancelation fee.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please notified IREF 48 hours before the event.